Studio Lisboeta

Studio Lisboeta is a London-based start-up, focused on delivering high quality architectural and design services. We love to create places and objects that make a positive contribution to people’s lives, and whenever possible we like to make our creations playful.

This offers a fantastic opportunity to work on a small creative project for a great cause. We knew we had to get involved, and Base Models immediately got on board to build our idea.

We love the fact this is not just about ideas. Projects will be built, exhibited and auctioned. In the end, someone will get these creative kennels and take them home for their dogs.

Our society is becoming increasingly nomadic and aesthetically conscientious. Based on this principle, we designed the TravelKennel - a super-sized travelling bag that can be ‘worn’ almost as a statement accessory. Our concept plays with the collective memory of objects and scale.

I have never owned a dog, but I like them. This is not an unusual situation for an architect as we are constantly asked to design spaces that we have no experience with. After putting my research and observer hat on and asking dog owners for tips, my strategic brief was to create a house with two levels - a ‘snug’ space, a ‘window’ to look out, a door, a feeding bowl, some shelter from the weather and curvy, friendly surfaces.

The TravelKennel was designed for a small friendly looking dog. We are planning to make it out of marine ply and flexible plywood with a different type of veneer finish.

Where would be your dream location?
Having it in my hometown Lisbon would be great!

Who do you imagine bidding for your work?
All sorts of people, maybe someone with a good sense of humour.

Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this event and for all your work for such a great cause.

We can’t wait to see the public reaction in 2018.


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