Carl Trenfield Architects
The combination of sleep deprivation, an eight week old puppy and a charitable cause motivated Carl Joseph Trenfield to create A House for Stanley. In his own words…
I suppose we care about relationships – perhaps that is what architecture is – relationships with those that make the work, relationships between spaces, their materials and their use and the well-nourished relationships needed to make a positive contribution in whatever the challenge might be – here, A House for Stanley, a kennel for a charitable cause.
Our core interests centre on the thoughtful construction of architecture and, via a rigorous understanding of its language, proportion, use of material and weight of line, how it can be massaged to convey complex narratives and ideas. While I do not care for the compromised architectural awards system as it can miss merit, our work is highly regarded and has been published widely.
We work in an intensive manner and care deeply about our output. We e-mentor, we teach, we think, we make and we are always learning. In its seminal publication, New Architects 3, The Architecture Foundation cited Carl Trenfield Architects, only four years since inception, as one of Britain’s best emerging practices of the decade.
The enthusiasm behind the project, coupled with a great charitable cause, struck at a time when I/ we were lacking sleep – looking after an eight week old puppy, Stanley. While not a project that I, nor the studio, would usually take on, motivation is enthusiastically gathered from our ongoing real life muse, Stanley. The charitable cause is of course primary – the theatre and the total disregard for the rigours of statute and its compliance ensures our enjoyment of the process. Our creative inspiration is just an intrigue in what surrounds us and how it can be better (for all those that come into contact with it) – asking the extra, and often more difficult, questions that need to asked.
Where would be your dream location if you could see your kennel displayed anywhere in the world? The Fourth Plinth, Trafalgar Square or Central Park, New York; in cartoon form, The Simpsons; spanning the London skyline or Blue Cross Head Office. Tate, Guggenheim, Louvre etc. Stanley (and his guardians) needs a holiday – the Caribbean or ‘equal approved other’.
Who do you imagine bidding for your work? Picasso for Lump, Barack Obama for Bo, Turner for Hooch, Beethoven for Beethoven. Essentially someone that is caring and able to raise the most possible money for the cause. My wife would like/love for it to be Tom Hardy (despite my protestations) so let that be it / be said. Let’s do this ultimately small thing that cumulatively should make a real difference. Also, are we able to invent time ?!